
Tracking Issue: #328

Tags: customization

Allows Torso, Arms and Legs customization pieces to be uniquely localized.

For templates, localization (i.e. providing strings for in-game display like names or descriptions) is handled using the object name that is the same as the template name. For example, given a template name of 'Female_LongStraight', the template is created by giving the X2BodyPartTemplate that name:

// Object name -------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Template = new(None, "Female_LongStraight") class'X2BodyPartTemplate';
// Template name ---------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

On the localization side, the object name is used to localize the DisplayName:

;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv--- Object name
[Female_LongStraight X2BodyPartTemplate]
DisplayName="Long Straight"

Body part templates are different from normal templates in that templates for different customization categories are allowed to have the same name. In vanilla, there are collisions for Torso, Arms and Legs so there is a Conventional Medium Male Torso, an Arms piece, and a Legs piece with the name CnvMed_Std_A_M. However, in order for localization to work, there must be no object name collisions. As a result, the game opts to not assign any object name to Torsos, Arms, and Legs, and instead simply shows them as "Torso 1", "Torso 2" and so on.

Because mods may want to localize their pieces, this Highlander change gives all armor pieces a unique object name. This happens using the following algorithm for every BodyPartTemplateConfig entry:

  1. If the PartType is not "Torso", "Arms", "Legs", the object name and the template name are taken from TemplateName in the config entry (vanilla behavior).
  2. If the PartType is "Torso", "Arms", or "Legs":
    1. If TemplateName contains that part type, then the object name and the template name are taken from TemplateName in the config entry.
    2. If TemplateName does not contain that part type, then the template name is taken from TemplateName, and the object name is created by appending an underscore and the part type to the template name.

Additionally, the UI is changed to use the DisplayName for Torso/Arms/Legs, and fall back to numbered vanilla display if no DisplayName is provided.

A table with some examples:

Config PartType Config TemplateName Resulting Template Name Resulting Object Name
"Torso" "CnvMed_Std_A_M" 'CnvMed_Std_A_M' "CnvMed_Std_A_M_Torso"
"Helmets" "Reaper_Hood_A_M" 'Reaper_Hood_A_M' "Reaper_Hood_A_M"
"Torso" "DLC_30_Torso_M" 'DLC_30_Torso_M' "DLC_30_Torso_M"

Source code references