
Tracking Issue: #4

Tags: events

Allows mods to set up Event Listener classes with specified Deferral and Priority, similar to X2AbilityTrigger_EventListener. The AddCHEvent function accepts up to four arguments:

  1. Name of the Event to listen for.
  2. EventFn to run when the event is triggered.
  3. Optional: Deferral (default deferral is ELD_OnStateSubmitted). Visit the r/xcom2mods wiki for info on Deferrals.
  4. Optional: Priority (default priority is 50). Event listeners with the larger priority number are executed first.

Example use:

class X2EventListener_YourEventListener extends X2EventListener;

static function array<X2DataTemplate> CreateTemplates()
    local array<X2DataTemplate> Templates;

    // You can create any number of Event Listener templates within one X2EventListener class.

    return Templates;

static function CHEventListenerTemplate CreateListenerTemplate_OnBestGearLoadoutApplied()
    local CHEventListenerTemplate Template;

    `CREATE_X2TEMPLATE(class'CHEventListenerTemplate', Template, 'Your_Custom_BestGearApplied_Listener');

    // Whether this Listener should be active during tactical missions.
    Template.RegisterInTactical = true;
    // Whether this Listener should be active on the strategic layer (while on Avenger)
    Template.RegisterInStrategy = true;

    Template.AddCHEvent('EventName', YourEventFn_Listener, ELD_Immediate, 50);

    return Template;

static function EventListenerReturn YourEventFn_Listener(Object EventData, Object EventSource, XComGameState NewGameState, Name Event, Object CallbackData)
    if (GameState.GetContext().InterruptionStatus == eInterruptionStatus_Interrupt)
        // Perform actions if the event was triggered during interruption stage.
        // Perform actions outside interruption stage (after an ability was successfully activated, for example)

    return ELR_NoInterrupt;

Source code references