Tracking Issue: #281
Tags: pawns
Allows mods to add, move and rescale sockets on the skeletal mesh of any weapon, which can be used to position visual weapon attachments, using different position/scale of the same attachment's skeletal mesh for different weapons. Example use:
static function DLCAppendWeaponSockets(out array<SkeletalMeshSocket> NewSockets, XComWeapon Weapon, XComGameState_Item ItemState)
local SkeletalMeshSocket Socket;
local vector RelativeLocation;
local rotator RelativeRotation;
local vector RelativeScale;
if (ItemState != none)
Socket = new class'SkeletalMeshSocket';
Socket.SocketName = 'NewSocket';
Socket.BoneName = 'root';
// Location offsets are in Unreal Units; 1 unit is roughly equal to a centimeter.
RelativeLocation.X = 5;
RelativeLocation.Y = 10;
RelativeLocation.Z = 15;
Socket.RelativeLocation = RelativeLocation;
// Socket rotation is recorded as an int value [-65535; 65535], which corresponds with [-360 degrees; 360 degrees]
// If we want to specify the rotation in degrees, the value must be converted using DegToUnrRot, a const in the Object class.
RelativeRotation.Pitch = 5 * DegToUnrRot; // Pitch of five degrees.
RelativeRotation.Yaw = 10 * DegToUnrRot;
RelativeRotation.Roll = 15 * DegToUnrRot;
Socket.RelativeRotation = RelativeRotation;
// Scaling a socket will scale any mesh attached to it.
RelativeScale.X = 0.25f;
RelativeScale.Y = 0.5f;
RelativeScale.Z = 1.0f;
Socket.RelativeScale = RelativeScale;
Sockets that have the name of an existing socket will replace the original socket. This can be used to move, rotate, and rescale existing sockets.