
Tracking Issue: #511

Tags: compatibility

The base game and Highlander have many "DLC hooks": Overridable functions in X2DownloadableContentInfo that the game calls for all mods in some order so that mods can do something. The most ubiquitous hook is OnPostTemplatesCreated, which allows mods to modify templates.

Unfortunately, the order in which the DLC hooks of mods are executed ("run order") depends on load order, which is not guaranteed. However, run order can matter a lot. Consider a mod that creates copies of guns with different visuals: This mod really wants to run after mods that make changes to specific guns (e.g. stat changes) so that the changes translate to the copies.

The CHL Run Order system provides two ways for mods to specify their position within the run order. This information is relayed to the Highlander using configuration entries (XComGame.ini):


[zzzWeaponSkinReplacer CHDLCRunOrder]

Since this system is all about DLC Hooks, the important identifier here is the DLCIdentifier corresponding to a X2DownloadableContentInfo class, of which a mod may have zero, one or more. The DLCIdentifier is case-sensitive. Run Order is about DLCInfos, not individual mods, and a mod may have an X2DLCInfo that runs before a certain other X2DLCInfo and another that runs after that other one.

Coarse (RunPriorityGroup)

RunPriorityGroup is a coarse way for DLCInfos to control when they run. RunPriorityGroup can have three different values: RUN_STANDARD, RUN_FIRST and RUN_LAST. RUN_STANDARD is the default. All DLCInfos with RUN_FIRST always run before all RUN_STANDARD ones, and all DLCInfos with RUN_LAST always run after all RUN_STANDARD ones.

A DLCInfo with RunPriorityGroup=RUN_LAST already runs after the vast majority of other DLCInfos.

Fine (RunBefore/RunAfter)

Within these groups, DLCInfos can specify which other DLCInfos they run before and after. [A] +RunBefore="B" is equivalent to specifying [B] +RunAfter="A". If A and B were in a different RunPriorityGroup, their relative RunBefore/RunAfter lines would be ignored.


The Highlander catches some potential configuration errors and writes them to the log. Warnings and errors are printed to the log, errors are shown to the user in combination with a list of DLCIdentifiers whose authors they should report the error to.

  • It is a warning for a DLCInfo B to RunAfter a DLCInfo A, or A to RunBefore B, if A is in an earlier RunPriorityGroup than B, since these config lines are redundant and always fulfilled.
  • It is an error for a DLCInfo B to RunAfter a DLCInfo A, or A to RunBefore B, if A is in a later RunPriorityGroup than B, since these config lines are contradictions and never fulfilled.
  • It is an error for any number of DLCInfos to cause a cycle, since cycles have no solution that fulfills all requirements.

The console command CHLDumpRunOrderInternals can be used to print all the information the CHL has about X2DownloadableContentInfo classes to the log, for debugging purposes.

One configuration error that can't be caught is a missing DLCIdentifier. If your X2DownloadableContentInfo subclass specifies a custom config file via config(CustomConfig), then the DLCIdentifier needs to go in XComCustomConfig.ini, while the CHDLCRunOrder still goes in XComGame.ini.

Splitting DLCInfo

Sometimes it can be useful to split your DLC Infos into two different classes, one containing all changes that can run whenever (RUN_STANDARD) and one that needs to make its changes last. You can simply create more subclasses and specify run order for any of them:


class X2DownloadableContentInfo_NormalChanges extends X2DownloadableContentInfo;

static event OnPostTemplatesCreated()
    // Make regular changes here


class X2DownloadableContentInfo_LastChanges extends X2DownloadableContentInfo;

static event OnPostTemplatesCreated()
    // Make last changes here



[MyModLast CHDLCRunOrder]

This combats the trend of mods to move all their changes to RUN_LAST because they contain only one change that actually needs to run last. This trend can be problematic because it requires explicit RunAfter annotations in other mods if they want to run after your normal changes. Splitting DLCInfos can help mods that use RUN_LAST do the right thing by default.

Source code references