
Tracking Issue: #524

Tags: compatibility

Allows mods to declare required and incompatible mods. The Highlander will show popups for missing requirements and detected incompatibilities.


We'll need to distinguish a few identifiers in mod project setups to explain this feature, so here's a short rundown.

  • DLCName is the actual ID of the mod. It's always the base name of the .XComMod file, so YetAnotherF1.XComMod has a DLCName of YetAnotherF1. This is also the name that mod launchers specify in the ActiveMods list, and the way the game knows how to load that mod. Every mod has exactly one DLCName. Mods with the same DLCName can only be enabled or disabled together. The game stores the DLCName in the save file, and shows a warning upon attempting to load a save file when it had recorded a mod that's no longer enabled. DLCNames are case-insensitive.
  • DLCIdentifier is an identifier corresponding to a X2DownloadableContentInfo class. Every mod has zero, one, or several X2DownloadableContentInfo classes, and the DLCIdentifier may be empty for any of them. This DLCIdentifier is used for some customization aspects (like part icons or slider names) and narrative content options (for the official DLCs). It's also used in CHL's Run Order since Run Order is all about X2DownloadableContentInfo classes. DLCIdentifiers are generally case-sensitive.

In the default ModBuddy mod project, the mod has exactly one X2DownloadableContentInfo subclass with a DLCIdentifier identical to the DLCName. However, config-only mods have no X2DownloadableContentInfo at all, and some mods may have one but misconfigured the class so that the DLCIdentifier is empty.


Now for the actual feature: Let's call the information about a mod provided to the dependency checker dependency info, or DepInfo. A mod declares dependency info through configuration entries for a class of type CHModDependency in XComGame.ini. Let's look at an example upfront (taken from Musashi's RPG Overhaul):

[XCOM2RPGOverhaul CHModDependency]
DisplayName="Musashis RPG Overhaul"




CHModDependency is the class that contains our DepInfo. That class is perobjectconfig, so we can provide unique configuration for differently named instances of the class. In this case, since the DLCName of RPGO is XCOM2RPGOverhaul, we use that in the header.

DisplayName is a human-readable name of the mod. This is used for the actual popup that says for example "Musashis RPG Overhaul detected INCOMPATIBLE mods".

IncompatibleMods is a list of DLCNames that should not be enabled together with this mod. For every mod with an enabled incompatible mod, there will be a popup that lists all enabled incompatible mods.

RequiredMods is a list of DLCNames that should be enabled together with this mod. For every mod with a missing required mod, there will be a popup that lists all missing requirements.

IgnoreRequiredMods is a list of DLCNames that should be considered enabled if this mod is enabled. For example, RPGO integrates NewPromotionScreenbyDefault, so another mod should not consider NewPromotionScreenbyDefault missing if RPGO is enabled.

There also is a IgnoreIncompatibleMods list of DLCNames that I am unfortunately not qualified to present a use case for. What +IgnoreIncompatibleMods="SomeDLCName" does is silence any warning that a third mod would throw if it listed +IncompatibleMods="SomeDLCName". If you think this is useful in any way, please tell us about it in HL issue #967.

This is what the popup for missing requirements looks like: Screenshot of RPGO's missing required mods Since the missing requirements aren't enabled, we don't have any info about their DisplayName.

How the dependency checker retrieves dependency info

The dependency checker looks at the config objects from

  • All currently enabled DLCNames
  • All non-empty DLCIdentifiers from found X2DownloadableContentInfo classes

while ignoring duplicates. Note that only DLCNames are supported for IncompatibleMods, RequiredMods etc., you cannot specify a requirement on or incompatibility with a given DLCIdentifier!

This means that mods can easily provide dependency info for other mods -- the config object will be ignored if the corresponding DLCName isn't enabled. This also allows mods to add friendly names for other mods so that even if the mod isn't installed or doesn't set a DisplayName, the popup doesn't only show an internal ID.

For example, AddMintToMyChocolate doesn't participate in the CHL depencency checker at all, but this DLCName is kind of confusing and a reported incompatibility would leave users unable to figure out what the actual conflict is.

RPGO could add this to its XComGame.ini so that the name becomes clearer:

[AddMintToMyChocolate CHModDependency]
DisplayName="Classless XCOM: MINT"

and the popup would display that incompatibility as "Classless XCOM: MINT (AddMintToMyChocolate)". The same system can also be used to provide a DisplayName for requirements that may be missing and as such can't inform the dependency checker about their DisplayName.

If the user presses "Do not show me this again", the Highlander will store the object name (DLCName or DLCIdentifier, depending on how the dependency checker found it in the first place) of the mod that provides this data in a user config file (%USERPROFILE%/Documents/My Games/XCOM 2 War of the Chosen/XComGame/Config/X2WOTCCommunityHighlander_NullConfig.ini) and won't show this popup again.

Source code references