
Tracking Issue: #66

Allows mods to add their own voiceover using narrative moments (top-right corner comms box).

Narrative moments in the base game are realized using the WWise middleware. The middleware runs in a background thread, so if audio (spuriously) fails to play, the middleware may take a few frames to figure this out. If audio does fail to play, there must be a callback in order to not deadlock the entire narrative moment system due to the audio never successfully finishing. However, mods have to use SoundCue sounds instead, and the system considers every SoundCue as failed to play. This ends every mod-added narrative moment prematurely after about three seconds.

This fix simply triggers the callback only when WWise is involved and silently eats the callback if a SoundCue is involved.

Mini-tutorial on mod VO

This isn't strictly Highlander-related, but this is the best place to put it.

  • Create a Speaker template (see X2Character_DefaultCharacters.uc)
    • Templates.AddItem(CreateSpeakerTemplate('Firebrand', "Firebrand", "img:///UILibrary_Common.Head_Firebrand", eGender_Female));
  • Compile the mod
  • Import the SoundNodeWave
  • Create a SoundCue, and create an XComConversationNode between the speaker and the SoundNodeWave
  • Set the SpokenText and choose the SpeakerTemplate in the SoundNodeWave
  • Create an XComNarrativeMoment archetype and reference the SoundCue in its Conversations

Editor Screenshot

Source code references