
Tracking Issue: #169

Tags: customization, pawns

Adds a DLC hook to update a given material applied to a human pawn mesh component that can be used to set custom parameters on materials.

static function UpdateHumanPawnMeshMaterial(XComGameState_Unit UnitState, XComHumanPawn Pawn, MeshComponent MeshComp, name ParentMaterialName, MaterialInstanceConstant MIC);

This is called by UpdateHumanPawnMeshComponent if not overridden. UpdateHumanPawnMeshComponent allows more control over the materials, like being able to use MaterialInstanceTimeVarying or outright replacing materials.

The following simplified example is taken from the Warhammer 40,000: Armours of the Imperium mod. Its armor uses custom material names and requires that the eye color is passed to the material using EmissiveColor instead of EyeColor:

static function UpdateHumanPawnMeshMaterial(XComGameState_Unit UnitState, XComHumanPawn Pawn, MeshComponent MeshComp, name ParentMaterialName, MaterialInstanceConstant MIC)
    local XComLinearColorPalette Palette;
    local LinearColor ParamColor;

    if (MaterialInstanceConstant(MIC.Parent).Name == 'Mat_SpaceMarine_Eyes')
        Palette = `CONTENT.GetColorPalette(ePalette_EyeColor);
        ParamColor = Palette.Entries[Pawn.m_kAppearance.iEyeColor].Primary;
        MIC.SetVectorParameterValue('EmissiveColor', ParamColor);

Note that a subset of this functionality (specifically if the material parameter names match) can be implemented with config only (no code) using the TintMaterialConfigs feature.

Source code references