
Tracking Issue: #771

Tags: dlc2

Mods can force a specific ruler to be present on a specific mission using XComGameState_AlienRulerManager::AlienRulerLocations - the same mechanism that XPACK integration uses/introduces to make rulers wait in specific alien facilities.

This could be done even without the CHL patch, but it wouldn't work if DLC is not run in the integrated mode. With this CHL patch, you can use that mechanism safely in both integrated and non-integrated mode. Note that when the non-integrated mode is enabled, the AlienRulerLocations array is not populated by the DLC.

Example usage:

local XComGameState_AlienRulerManager RulerManager;
local AlienRulerLocation RulerLocation;

RulerLocation.RulerRef = RulerManager.GetAlienRulerReference('ViperKing');
RulerLocation.MissionRef = MissionRef;
RulerLocation.bActivated = true;
RulerLocation.bNeedsPopup = false;


Source code references