
Tracking Issue: #631

Tags: events

The OverrideShowPromoteIcon event allows mods to determine whether a promotion icon for a particular soldier should be displayed or not. This can be relevant for mods that add their own promotion mechanics for soldiers, e.g. a psionic class that has to go on a few missions before they can be stuck into a Psi Lab to get their promotion.

OverrideShowPromoteIcon event

Param Value
EventID OverrideShowPromoteIcon
EventData XComLWTuple
EventSource XComGameState_Unit
NewGameState none

Tuple contents

Index Name Type Direction
0 bShowPromotionIcon bool inout

Listener template

static function EventListenerReturn OnOverrideShowPromoteIcon(Object EventData, Object EventSource, XComGameState GameState, Name EventID, Object CallbackObject)
    local XComGameState_Unit UnitState;
    local XComLWTuple Tuple;
    local bool bShowPromotionIcon;

    UnitState = XComGameState_Unit(EventSource);
    Tuple = XComLWTuple(EventData);

    bShowPromotionIcon = Tuple.Data[0].b;

    // Your code here

    Tuple.Data[0].b = bShowPromotionIcon;

    return ELR_NoInterrupt;

Source code references