
Tracking Issue: #89

In base game, shields (eStat_ShieldHP) absorb damage from typical damage over time effects, such as burning or poisoned. Mods can override this behavior by setting the following flags in XComGameCore.ini:

BURNED_IGNORES_SHIELDS=true ; Make burn and acid DOT ignore shields

POISONED_IGNORES_SHIELDS=true ; Make poison DOT ignore shields

Note that BURNED_IGNORES_SHIELDS will apply to all instances of X2Effect_Burning that use its SetBurnDamage() helper method to set up the burn damage effect.

POISONED_IGNORES_SHIELDS will apply to all instances of posioned effect created using the X2StatusEffect::CreatePoisonedStatusEffect() helper method.

This should cover all instance of these effects in the base game, but mods can potentially disregard these helper methods.

Refer to this feature to apply similar change to bleeding damage over time.

Source code references