
Tracking Issue: #923

Tags: compatibility

The base game does not work well with certain types of damage-modifier effects. In particular, attempts to implement multiplicative, percentage-based damage modifiers are hindered by the fact that the overall calculated damage depends on the order in which such effects are applied to a unit.

The following hooks solve the problem by applying configured damage modifiers either before or after the "default" behaviour, which is where normal flat damage is added or subtracted. As long as all the effects using these hooks are commutative with one another, the final damage result will be independent of the order in which effects are applied.

Currently, the difference between the original damage value and the modified damage value is truncated. That allows the following behavior:

If the modified damage is lower than the original, it is effectively rounded up. If higher, it is rounded down. In summary: use these hooks to apply multiplicative damage modifiers such as percent-based increases and reductions. The pre-default hooks are for multipliers that should apply to just the calculated base damage, while the post-default hooks apply modifiers to the calculated damage after all the additive modifiers have been applied.

Important Your implementations of these functions should return the amount of damage your effect is adding or subtracting, not the overall damage. The value you return will be added to CurrentDamage.

Pre-default hooks

The "pre-default" hooks are applied immediately after the base damage has been calculated. This allows mods to apply damage modifiers based on the base damage before any flat damage modifiers are applied.

The following hook is used for effects that are applied to the attacker:

float GetPreDefaultAttackingDamageModifier_CH(
        XComGameState_Effect EffectState,
        XComGameState_Unit SourceUnit,
        Damageable Target,
        XComGameState_Ability AbilityState,
        const out EffectAppliedData ApplyEffectParameters,
        float CurrentDamage,
        XComGameState NewGameState)

This next one is used for effects that are applied to the target (the "defender"):

float GetPreDefaultDefendingDamageModifier_CH(
        XComGameState_Effect EffectState,
        XComGameState_Unit SourceUnit,
        XComGameState_Unit TargetUnit,
        XComGameState_Ability AbilityState,
        const out EffectAppliedData ApplyEffectParameters,
        float CurrentDamage,
        XComGameState NewGameState)

The arguments are largely self explanatory, but note that CurrentDamage is a float, as is the return value. CurrentDamage is the current total damage, which is the base damage with any preceding damage modifiers already applied.

Post-default hooks

Once the pre-default modifiers have been applied, the traditional (flat) damage modifiers are processed as per existing base game behaviour. When that has finished, the "post-default" hooks are applied. This allows mods to apply damage modifiers to the total damage including any bonus flat damage.

The following hook is used for effects that are applied to the attacker:

float GetPostDefaultAttackingDamageModifier_CH(
        XComGameState_Effect EffectState,
        XComGameState_Unit SourceUnit,
        Damageable Target,
        XComGameState_Ability AbilityState,
        const out EffectAppliedData ApplyEffectParameters,
        float CurrentDamage,
        XComGameState NewGameState)

This next one is used for effects that are applied to the target (the "defender"):

float GetPostDefaultDefendingDamageModifier_CH(
        XComGameState_Effect EffectState,
        XComGameState_Unit SourceUnit,
        XComGameState_Unit TargetUnit,
        XComGameState_Ability AbilityState,
        const out EffectAppliedData ApplyEffectParameters,
        float CurrentDamage,
        XComGameState NewGameState)

The arguments are largely self explanatory, but note that CurrentDamage is a float, as is the return value. CurrentDamage is the current total damage.


If you implement any of these functions in your own effects, they will do nothing unless the game is using version 1.22.0+ of the Community Highlander.

Do note that these are applied along with any traditional damage modifiers your effect has, so if you want your effects to work with older versions of the Community Highlander and setups without any Community Highlander at all, then you should guard the old damage modifier functions with a check for these new functions, e.g.

function int GetAttackingDamageModifier(...)
    if (Function'XComGame.X2Effect_Persistent.GetPreDefaultAttackingDamageModifier_CH' != none)
        // Using the new hooks, so skip the old implementation
        return 0;

    // Continue with old implementation here

Source code references