
Tracking Issue: #1031

WARNING! Triggering events in X2AbilityToHitCalc::GetHitChance() and other functions called by this function may freeze (hard hang) the game under certain circumstances.

In our experiments, the game would hang when the player used a moving melee ability when an event was triggered in UITacticalHUD_AbilityContainer::ConfirmAbility() right above the XComPresentationLayer(Owner.Owner).PopTargetingStates(); line or anywhere further down the script trace, while another event was also triggered in GetHitChance() or anywhere further down the script trace.

The game hangs while executing UI code, but it is the event in the To Hit Calculation logic that induces it. The speculation is that triggering events in GetHitChance() somehow corrupts the event manager, or it could be a threading issue.

Source code references