
Tracking Issue: #854

Tags: compatibility

The 'OverrideCameraRotationAngle' event allows mods to override the angle the camera rotates when using the controller or the Q and E buttons. The event takes the following form, with mods changing the first value of the tuple if they want to change the angle:

EventID: OverrideCameraRotationAngle
EventData: [ inout float RotationAngle, in int ActionMask ]
EventSource: none
NewGameState: none


Several mods, typically ones that modify the behavior of the camera, override XComTacticalInput, thus breaking this highlander change. Since those camera mods mostly seem to override the camera rotation behavior, that's usually not a problem. Just be aware that overriding XComTacticalInput without including this highlander event may break other mods that rely on it.

Source code references