Tracking Issue: #829
Tags: events
Allows listeners to override the parameters of SpawnAndConfigureNewProjectile. The feature also introduces support for subclasses of X2UnifiedProjectile as custom projectile archetypes. If bPreventProjectileSpawning is set to true the projectile instance will NOT be spawned.
If your subclass of X2UnifiedProjectile
overrides any of the functions that handle Particle System Components,
it's important to preserve changes implemented by Issue #720: ProjectilePerformanceDrain
OverrideProjectileInstance event
Param | Value |
EventID | OverrideProjectileInstance |
EventData | XComLWTuple |
EventSource | XComGameStateContext_Ability |
NewGameState | none |
Tuple contents
Index | Name | Type | Direction |
0 | bPreventProjectileSpawning | bool | out |
1 | ProjectileTemplate | Actor | inout |
2 | InVolleyNotify | AnimNotify_FireWeaponVolley | inout |
3 | InSourceWeapon | XComWeapon | inout |
4 | CurrentFireAction | X2Action_Fire | inout |
5 | Unit | XGUnitNativeBase | in |
Listener template
static function EventListenerReturn OnOverrideProjectileInstance(Object EventData, Object EventSource, XComGameState GameState, Name EventID, Object CallbackObject)
local XComGameStateContext_Ability AbilityContext;
local XComLWTuple Tuple;
local bool bPreventProjectileSpawning;
local Actor ProjectileTemplate;
local AnimNotify_FireWeaponVolley InVolleyNotify;
local XComWeapon InSourceWeapon;
local X2Action_Fire CurrentFireAction;
local XGUnitNativeBase Unit;
AbilityContext = XComGameStateContext_Ability(EventSource);
Tuple = XComLWTuple(EventData);
ProjectileTemplate = Actor(Tuple.Data[1].o);
InVolleyNotify = AnimNotify_FireWeaponVolley(Tuple.Data[2].o);
InSourceWeapon = XComWeapon(Tuple.Data[3].o);
CurrentFireAction = X2Action_Fire(Tuple.Data[4].o);
Unit = XGUnitNativeBase(Tuple.Data[5].o);
// Your code here
Tuple.Data[0].b = bPreventProjectileSpawning;
Tuple.Data[1].o = ProjectileTemplate;
Tuple.Data[2].o = InVolleyNotify;
Tuple.Data[3].o = InSourceWeapon;
Tuple.Data[4].o = CurrentFireAction;
return ELR_NoInterrupt;