
Tracking Issue: #890

The XComGameStateContext_Ability::ActivateAbility_Internal triggers a PostModifyNewAbilityContext event, allowing mods to make changes to Ability Context. The event triggers after the ability has gathered targets using its TargetStyles, after ToHitCalc calculations, and after the ability has ran its ModifyNewContextFn delegate, if it has one. Modifying Ability Context is a powerful tool, as it allows to arbitrarily change ability's Hit Result, change its intended targets and hit location. If you yourself are adding an ability that could benefit from context modification, you should probably just use the ModifyNewContextFn delegate. This event is mostly intended for modifying Ability Context of base game abilities, or abilities added by other mods, so you don't have to risk an incompatibility by adding your own ModifyNewContextFn delegate to somebody else's ability. Listeners for this event must use ELD_Immediate deferral.

EventID: PostModifyNewAbilityContext
EventData: XComGameStateContext_Ability NewContext
EventSource: XComGameState_Ability AbilityState
NewGameState: no

Source code references