User Interface
The XCOM 2 user interface is mostly built in flash, but offers custom components
that can be used to produce quite sophisticated screens and UI elements.
For documentation on base game features, see XCOM 2 War of the Chosen SDK/Documentation/Tech/XCOM2Mods_UserInterface.pdf
However, extending existing UI screens can prove quite difficult, as UI screens
do not expose any hooks for extending input handling or navigation help additions.
The following features can help with making UI more extensible.
- #106 - DynamicSoldierClassDisplay
- #110 - OnGetPCSImage
- #198 - SubscribeToOnInput
- #365 - Geoscape_ResInfoButtonVisible
- #365 - UIStrategyPolicy_ShowCovertActionsOnClose
- #368 - UIAvengerShortcuts_ShowCQResistanceOrders
- #391 - GetCovertActionEvents_Settings
- #408 - DynamicSoldierRankDisplay
- #440 - UIStrategyPolicy_ScreenInit
- #483 - UIScanButtonOnMouseEvent
- #491 - OverrideImageForItemAvaliable
- #501 - SubscribeToOnInputForScreen
- #579 - UseMinDamageForUnitFlagPreview
- #600 - OverridePromotionBlueprintTagPrefix
- #600 - OverridePromotionUIClass
- #635 - OverrideMissionImage
- #663 - UIResistanceReport_ShowCouncil
- #875 - OverrideCanTakeFacilityMission
- #932 - StrategyMap_NavHelpUpdated
- #986 - UIStrategyPolicy_MiscEvents
- #1081 - PositiveTraitUI
- #1134 - OverrideStackedClassIcon
- #1218 - OverrideStrategyCostString